Board of Government Advisers recommendation A new deal for farmer and society

How can we achieve a better deal between farmers and society? Berno Strootman, who was a member of the Board of Government Advisers until 1 January 2021, has conducted design research to investigate how the transition to a nature-inclusive and landscape-inclusive agriculture can take shape.


College van Rijksadviseurs


Louis Bolk Instituut
Kenniscentrum Landschap RUG
Flux landscape architecture (De Marne)
van Paridon x de Groot (Krimpenerwaard)
NOHNIK architecture and landscapes (Salland)

Design Year


To discover exactly what a New Deal of that kind might mean in different regions, during his period as a Government Adviser Berno Strootman launched three regional pilots in three types of landscape: Krimpenerwaard (peaty soil), De Marne (clay) and Salland (sand).

We worked together with local and regional stakeholders, farmers, agrarian collectives, organisation for nature conservation and landscape, water boards, local and regional government bodies, in combination with three bureaus for landscape architecture (NOHNIK, Flux and VPxDG), the Louis Bolk Institute and the Centre of Landscape Studies, Groningen University.

Each pilot yielded a perspective for the future for the region, with a sustainable and viable agrarian system in an attractive and biodiverse landscape. We also outlined new revenue models that can bring this transition closer. The opportunities and limiting factors can be found listed on the site of the Board of Government Advisers in the publications over the pilots; the recommendation ‘Towards a new deal for farmer and society’; and the essays by Jan Willem Erisman & Krijn Poppe and Berno Strootman.s