Graphic map of Flevoland

Intelligent approach to the nitrogen problem offers opportunities for Flevoland

Major adjustments are called for in agriculture to reduce nitrogen deposits in vulnerable nature areas. In the report ‘Not everything is possible everywhere’ (2020), the Remkes Commission argued for an Agrarian Map of The Netherlands. The Flevoland region wants to start discussions right away with farmers and other interested parties about what an agrarian map of that kind might look like for Flevoland. The regional ambition is for an integral approach to the nitrogen problem and a sustainable future perspective for agriculture. In collaboration with the Louis Bolk Institute and CML, we have made an agrarian map for the province with several scenarios.


Provincie Flevoland


Provincie Flevoland


Louis Bolk Instituut en Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen, Universiteit Leiden

Surface Area

241.200 ha

Design Year




Following the procedure that we have developed together, it is possible to estimate the effectiveness of possible measures and to weigh up different nitrogen scenarios. Our method converts generic aims to reduce the nitrogen deposits to maps of particular zones showing the relative (actual and potential) contribution of specific areas. These are combined with maps indicating the limiting conditions and opportunities for agriculture in terms of the land and water and other challenges and developments.

The combination of maps eventually results in a number of nitrogen reduction scenarios that provide insight into the choices. On the basis of the method we have developed, the region can make spatial choices for its nitrogen policy. The maps enable zooming in on certain areas to enable discussion of the challenges, the (economic) potential and the prospects for the future with the interested parties.

Our report indicates that the areas with the largest contribution of deposits to Natura 2000 areas lie on the eastern border of eastern and southern Flevoland. These are the areas that pose the greatest nitrogen challenge to Flevoland. Our recommendation is to work beyond the regional borders and at the same time to work on a broader perspective by tackling the problem of nitrogen emissions in combination with other challenges.

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