De vision was produced in the course of an
intensive process in collaboration with a broad project group of estate,
community and local partners such as the local authority and the water board,
as well as the involvement of residents of the village and the neighbouring
centres. The future vision is not just about the target, but also about the way
to attain it. On the basis of the discussions and explorations, and based on a
vision of space and attractiveness for residents, we drew up four principles.
Although at first sight one may seem more spatial or more social than the
other, they all contribute to an integral perspective. Especially in the
Vilsteren estate, the social and spatial qualities combine to determine its
attractiveness both now and in the future. That is particularly clear in the
housing. The four principles are: 1. Natural Vilsteren; 2. Estate and village
as one; 3. With and for one another; 4. Building for the community and for
young and old. We explain all four principles in the vision with references and
recommendations on how to achieve them.