For western Langstraat Strootman Landschapsarchitecten has made the plan ‘Long Lines in a Stratified Landscape’ and the subsidiary project ‘Nodes on the Winterdyke’.
For western Langstraat Strootman Landschapsarchitecten has made the plan ‘Long Lines in a Stratified Landscape’ and the subsidiary project ‘Nodes on the Winterdyke’.
westelijke Langstraat, Noord-Brabant
provincie Noord-Brabant, Staatsbosbeheer en gemeente Waalwijk
Alterra (cultuurhistorie), Oranjewoud (hydrologie) en ZLTO (landbouwontwikkeling) en MSP (advies)
Surface Area
40 ha
Design Year
The western Langstraat is an area with a very turbulent development history and, as a result, an enormous historical stratification. For western Langstraat Strootman has made the plan ‘Long Lines in a Stratified Landscape’ and the subsidiary project ‘Nodes on the Winterdyke’.
Besides the proposals to improve the spatial quality, a new hydrological system has been designed. The present one is strongly fragmented with a large number of drainage level areas. There are also drought problems at several areas, and the highly fragmented distribution of cultivated and uncultivated plots of land, combined with the different demands that they make on the hydrological system, has led to a conflict between agriculture and nature.
Three scenarios have been developed for the hydrological system, the relation between agriculture and nature, and the appearance of the uncultivated land. The latter is particularly determinant for the spatial quality. Eventually a choice has been made for the future hydrological system and distribution of functions in the zone that leads to the most natural form of water management possible with large drainage level management units and the most natural drainage level management possible. The groundwater levels are harmonised with natural meadow types. The result is an agricultural landscape with high natural values and in spatial terms a lot of openness to match the cultural historical values.
The nodes on the Winterdyke are historical points in the landscape of the Langstraat in Brabant. We zoom in on five points on the Winterdyke where long lines meet. The design consists of five specific interventions that have an impact on a regional scale. Our proposals are aimed at the restoration of some elements, the strengthening of the nodes, and proposals for new functions. Harbours are brought to life, historical buildings are assigned a new function, and new estates provide impulses. The vision incorporates proposals for the reinforcement of the unity in the profiles and for the restoration of stretches of waterways to make the nodes clearly recognisable and to restore the historical logic of the landscape.
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